STORY: A new jewel in the crown...

The Ginger Bakers team have been busy in their development kitchen this spring, creating a whole array of tasty treats and they are now ready to reveal their next tasty offering…

They can now reveal our new Salted Caramel Jewel Bar, and we think it’s going to be the jewel in our traybake crown. 

Enjoy this indulgent traybake with a cuppa for elevenses or perhaps invite some friends round and tuck in and savour a slice or two for afternoon tea.

Whichever you choose to do, you’ll soon discover one slice of this deliciously decadent traybake simply isn’t enough.

You just won’t be able to resist its rich, buttery oat shortbread base, topped with chewy caramel with a hint of the finest sea salt, all tantalisingly crowned with intensely fruity freeze-dried raspberries, crunchy pumpkin seeds and the lavish, dark and complex flavours with melt-in-the-mouth sweetness of artisan made dark chocolate pieces, bringing it all together with perfect balance, and we think it’ll go down a treat!

Ginger Bakers Salted Caramel Jewel Bar comes as a handy 18 portion traybake, which is perfect for sharing and is available direct for home delivery to your door from priced at £30.00 + p&p or can be purchased from selected Ginger Bakers retailers across the UK.